Lompat ke isi utama


An easy and safe way to receive payments for your business

List of Business Type and Location

List of Business Type


List of Business Location


Join As a Merchant

If you are interested to become PermataQR merchant, here are the requirements:

  • Own a business / service where the business / service can be paid through a QR Code transaction
  • Fill out Merchant Data Form (MDF) and sign the Merchant General Terms and Conditions (GTC) or register online via https://qr.permatabank.com/portal-merchant
  • Open a PermataBank savings / current account in accordance with the applicable procedures at the branch
  • Complete the document required according to the type of registration (individual / company) and fulfill the requirements as a merchan
Document Types Submission as Individual Submission as a Business Entity Information
ID Card

Owned by the Business Owner, adjusted to the type of citizenship (citizen: e-KTP, foreigner:  KITAP / KITAS).
NPWP (Taxpayer Registration Number)

For Individuals, NPWP (Taxpayer Registration Number) if any.
Photos of the Business

Attach at least 3 pictures that show the environment around the business area, the outside part of the business place that also shows the business name sign, and inside the business place.

Note: submissions for non-business purposes, attach photos of the  community / event that was held or proof of organizing the event.

QR Photo

If the merchant's business location has a QR standard of QR Indonesia (QRIS).
Deed of Company  

The most recent deed of company or its latest amendment, attach only the front page that shows the name of the business company and the page that shows the management structure in PDF file format.
Business License

SIUP (Business License) or OSS (Online Single Submission) or other business license

Privacy Policy


Terms of Use