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4 Steps to Apply for a Credit Card, Easy to Follow

Mar 08, 2021
3 Minutes

Years ago, credit cards were part of the upper-class lifestyle. But now, the trend has shifted. Credit cards have become a banking product for cashless transactions, used by all walks of life. However, credit card applications are deemed too complicated, especially for beginners who have never applied for credit cards. If you’re among those who have never used a credit card before, here are simple steps to apply for a credit card with high chances of success!

What Needs Can Be Accommodated by Credit Cards
Before choosing or even applying for a credit card, you should know the goals of having one. Is it to make your everyday transactions more seamless, get more discounts for daily shopping, or traveling promos? By knowing what needs you want to be accommodated by the credit card, then it’ll be easier to choose the right credit card for you.

For example, you want a credit card that can accommodate all your traveling needs, then the perfect credit card for you is AirAsia Platinum Credit Card. You can get 7x BIG Points for each flight transaction, Rp10.000 minimum, on AirAsia website and mobile app. Meanwhile, if you want a credit card that can be used for online shopping with various cashback offers and reward points, you can use PermataShoppingCard

Choose the Right Credit Card Provider Bank
After being clear about your needs or which credit card suits your needs, now you can compile information about the credit card provider bank. Choose PermataBank, a trusted and credible bank, with many credit card options for all customers. Moreover, PermataBank has years of experience in serving all credit card needs of customers. 

For daily shopping needs, PermataBank customers can use PermataHeroCard. This is a credit card that offers 3.5% cashback for each transaction on Hero, Giant, and Guardian. There’s an additional 1.5% cashback for all transactions, anytime, anywhere. Shopping for your daily necessities will be far cheaper with PermataHeroCard. 

Learn About the Terms and Documents Needed
From here, are you ready to start the credit card application process? Most commonly, the terms and documents needed for a credit card application is as listed below:

  • 21 year age minimum
  • Indonesian citizen
  • Copy of KTP/KITAS
  • Copy of savings account report of the last two months
  • Proof of income such as salary slip, SKP, or SPT
  • Copy of special professional permit for customers who work in a professional industry
  • NPWP
  • Copy of business establishment license, SIUP, or TDP

Check the Offers and Benefits that You Will Receive
During the course of the credit card application, you as a customer are entitled to receive information about the offers and benefits which will be received by new card holders. For PermataBank credit cards, here are the benefits that you will receive.

  • PermataShoppingCard
    • 5% cashback for online shopping with an accumulated transaction of Rp3 million minimum each month.
    • SimplePay 0% installment up to 12 months for online transactions.
    • Reward Points from each retail transaction. This point can be exchanged for various rewards such as shopping vouchers or mileage. 
    • Free administration fee during the first year for the main card and 5 additional cards. 
  • PermataHero Card
    • 3.5% cashback for transactions on Hero, Guardian, and Giant. Additional 1.5% cashback for all transactions anywhere.
    • 20% discount for fresh produce and 5% for private label products on Giant, Hero, and Guardian every day. 
    • SimplePay 0% installment up to 24 months for electronics or 0.3% for all transactions with Rp500.000 minimum spending. 
    • Free administration fee during the first year for the main card and forever for 5 additional cards. 
  • AirAsia Platinum Credit Card
    • 3,000 Welcome Points with an accumulated transaction of Rp2.000.000 for the first 90 days since your AirAsia Platinum Credit Card approval.
    • Automatic upgrade to BIG Loyalty Platinum Membership.
    • 7x BIG Points for each flight transaction with minimum of Rp10.000 on AirAsia website and mobile app.
    • 1 BIG Point for a transaction with minimum Rp10.000 and 500 BIG Points max for each transaction.
    • SimplePay 0% installment for 3 months, special for hotel, flights, and travel transactions. 
    • Free yearly administration fee during the first year for the main card and 5 additional cards. 

PermataBank credit card application is very easy and quick, you can do it online via PermataMobile X app. Download PermataMobile X on your smartphone and register yourself as PermataBank credit card customer. Enjoy the abundance of discounts and shopping promos from PermataBank credit cards!

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