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4 Steps of New Year Preparation for a Successful 2021

Jan 18, 2021
3 Minutes

2020 will officially come to an end. Are you ready to welcome the new year? This is the right time to start planning for your new year as soon as possible. Surely, you’re excited from thinking about all the things that you can do in the upcoming year. 

Nevertheless, don’t set your focus only on the future. Let’s reflect on what you’ve accomplished this year. After that, think about every single thing that you can prepare to welcome the new year. To help you face the new year, here are 4 steps of new year preparation so you can successfully take on 2021. 

List Your Achievements in the Past Year
The end of the year usually makes you imagine about the many activities that you want to do or new aims that you want to accomplish in the upcoming year. However, don’t rush in making new year’s resolutions. Try to remember the things that you’ve done during this past year. Look back at the kinds of achievements that you’ve reached this year. 

Appreciate not only the big achievements, but also the tiny achievements that may seem insignificant. For example, successfully obtaining the new shoes that you’ve been eyeing for the longest time is already an achievement. By reflecting on the things that you’ve gone through, you’ll be more prepared and confident in welcoming the new year. 

Make the Appointments that Have Been Delayed
As the end of the year approaches, you may recall the many events or appointments that you have postponed. Check your planner and start browsing the appointments that haven’t been met. Perhaps it’s your dentist appointment for a check-up or extending your gym membership. 

Make sure that all these appointments are done before the new year starts, so you won’t feel burdened when the new year arrives. Start your 2021 with a new page, ready to be filled with new and positive things. 

Make Everything Neat
Whenever you’re busy, be it from work or other activities, you may not have the time to clean your workspace or home. The year-end moment is the right time for you to make your private space neat and tidy before the new year comes. 

Start from the smallest things, like cleaning your desk at the office. Then, you can upgrade to bigger things like your dresser or even your own bedroom. A tidier and cleaner private space will give you extra spirit to start a happy new year. 

Apart from organizing your private space, you should also organize your daily activities. Change the way you split your time between work and personal life. Be a more organized person so when 2021 comes, you’ll be more productive and mindful. 

It’s Time to Upgrade Your Life
Sometimes you forget that there are certain things in life that need to be upgraded. You keep on finding alibis that these things don’t need any upgrade because you’re used to it. This kind of behavior is more often than not. To keep your spirit up in preparation for the new year, how about if you review which aspects of your life should be upgraded?

For example, has your home met all your growing requirements? Moreover, the new year will also bring new requirements that may not be fulfilled by what you currently have. If so, it’s time for you to try thinking about what you can do to improve your quality of life. 

No worries, now there are plenty of ways that can help you in getting your dream house. Just like the KPR program from PermataBank. PermataBank offers various KPR programs that you can choose from, one of which is PermataKPR Bijak that combines KPR installments with the Client’s savings account. All programs bring maximum benefits to the Clients. Registration for PermataKPR program is very easy. Just make sure that all the terms and requirements are fully met, the process and approval are very quick. Click here to find out more about PermataKPR products. 

A Profitable Synergy Between Home Ownership Loan (KPR) and Saving Account.

Permata KPR Bijak

With MMQ Contract that Benefit Comes from The Savings Feature

Permata KPR iB Bijak

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