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6 Tips to Buy Chinese New Year Clothes for Best Luck and Price

Mar 07, 2021
4 Minutes

In a matter of days, you will get to celebrate the Chinese New Year of 2021. This year’s celebration will be a bit different due to the pandemic. However, it doesn’t mean that you and your family aren’t able to celebrate it fully by spending quality time at home, plus preparing for this year’s celebration. 

One of the must-have during Chinese New Year celebrations is shopping for new clothes. To increase your luck this year, you can plan to buy new clothes without exceeding your budget. Here are several tips to buy Chinese New Year clothes with a limited budget.

Set Your Budget by Making a Shopping List
The first important tip that you should do before shopping is to set the budget and create a shopping list. By having a clear and structured budget, you can easily decide on what items to buy and which price range suits you. 

After setting the budget, it’s time to start counting how many clothes that you’re going to buy for your family. For whom are you going to buy these clothes? Therefore, you can predict the safe price range that suits your budget. When creating a shopping list, don’t forget to include the clothing size of all family members. 

Pick Clothes with Red or Golden Colors
In Chinese New Year celebrations, red and golden have become the staple colors. Both of these colors represent two very important wishes. Red is the symbol of prosperity and happiness in life. This fiery color is also associated with positive energy.

Meanwhile, golden represents power as it was worn by Emperors and nobles during the dynasty era. Hopefully, by wearing clothes in these colors, you and your family will be granted by prosperity and success!

Avoid White Color
As the Chinese New Year approaches, you need to know what colors you should avoid, be it colors on your clothes, accessories, or home decorations to make your Chinese New Year celebration more festive. 

You should avoid using any white color. It’s best to stray away from picking clothes with white color in it. Not without reasons, in the ancient China tradition, white is the color of death since it’s used as a symbol of mourning the death of a loved one. 

Match the Patterns with Shio or Lucky Words
To make your red or golden Chinese New Year outfit more impressive, you can ditch the plain red or golden outfit. Pick an outfit that has this year’s shio pattern to further accentuate the festivity of Chinese New Year.

Moreover, you can also wear an outfit with other lucky patterns. The most common one is wearing an outfit that has the Chinese word fook which means luck or double he which means joy. If you don’t want any patterns, opt for outfits with traditional Chinese scripts to bring more good luck. 

Compare Prices before Buying
After you’ve decided on which Chinese New Year clothes you’re going to buy, another tip that’s just as important is comparing the prices before buying. Yes, not only should you compare which outfit suits you best, but you should also compare the prices from one store to another. That way, you can get the best price.

Make Use of Cashback and Discount
The last tip that can make your shopping experience more frugal is by using cashback and discounts offered during the week of Chinese New Year celebration. This promo allows you to shop for clothes far below your budget. 

Cashback and discounts are definitely attractive, but they shouldn’t be the only reasons to buy items that are not included in your shopping list. Even if you have some money left on your budget, thanks to the cashback and discount, it’s better to save or allocate the money for other expenses, like buying snacks or angpao envelopes. 

Now, you are ready to shop for Chinese New Year clothes! Prepare your celebration with a PermataShoppingCard so you can save more money while shopping. With a specially designed card for online shopping, there are plenty of cashback that await you. Not to mention the discounts in several notable merchants. You can also gain reward points which can be exchanged for shopping vouchers. Applying for PermataShoppingCard is very easy, you can do it online via PermataMobile X application.

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