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Reasons Why Gardening is The Best Hobby to Pass Time

May 25, 2023
4 Minutes

Weekends and long holidays are the best moments to start doing positive things. One of Indonesia's most popular hobbies gaining traction during the Covid-19 pandemic is gardening. However, why do people believe that gardening is the best hobby? Learn its benefits here!

About Gardening and Its Many Benefits
Gardening is a hobby that requires some physical activity because you must keep moving to plant seeds, scratch the ground, and water the plants.

No wonder this hobby is equivalent to running on a treadmill at 5 kilometers per hour. Not only is gardening beneficial for physical health, but it also maintains brain volume and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease by 50%.

Did you also know that gardening can do wonders for mental health? According to the Royal Horticultural Society’s survey of more than 6,000 participants, gardening can lower stress levels and increase overall well-being.

How Much Do You Need for The Hobby?
The funds needed to start gardening as a hobby highly depend on your financial capabilities and the size of available land. If you want to try this hobby in the comfort of your courtyard with some starting pots and soil, calculate how much money you need to buy the necessary containers, seed starting mix, soil, fertilizer, and seeds.

However, if you want to try the hydroponic agricultural method involving water pipes, you need around IDR 1 mio to IDR 1.5 mio. Which one do you like so far? Regardless of your preferences, don’t forget to buy the required starting equipment with cold cash!

Turn Your Hobby Into a Business
After gathering the necessary willpower, energy, and funds to start gardening as a hobby, you can try developing it as a business idea. What kind of business opportunities can you pursue with gardening, though? There are so many to choose from! Now that the economy is improving, you can try selling your fruit and vegetable harvest to fulfill the people’s needs for nutritious food or decorative potted plants for a more homely atmosphere.

One of the most notable self-made businesses that started from gardening is Ayo Nandur. Established in 2017, Ayo Nandur has improved with increasing seed demand and growing media. Another noteworthy example includes Neurafarm, developed by Dr. Tania to help farmers detect their crop health with AI.

Develop Your Passion Project Into Money with PermataKTA!
Surprisingly, gardening is a hobby that benefits physical and mental health and offers many profitable business opportunities. If you’re interested in gardening or starting a gardening business, make your dreams come true by applying for a collateral-free credit loan with PermataKTA!

PermataKTA is a personal loan service from PermataBank that you can get 100% online via the PermataMobile X application. You can apply for a loan of up to IDR 300 mio quickly! This loan is perfect for those looking forward to running an agricultural business because it has a competitive interest rate of only 0.88% flat per month.

Are you enthusiastic about gardening as a hobby and a profitable business opportunity? If you’re a beginner, you can start by planting seeds in a tiny garden plot and care for them until they’re ready to harvest. Keep tending to your plants regularly until you can tackle a more spacious garden, and don’t forget to apply for PermataKTA for an additional source of agricultural business funds. What are you waiting for? Jumpstart your hobby and potential business by downloading the PermataMobile X application!

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