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How to be Financially Independent of the “Month-End” Money by #Shopalogic

Jan 25, 2020
5 Menit

Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, that’s the signal that you need a time off. You can use this time off to go on shopping, traveling, hanging out with friends, etc. But this can become a problem if it’s already the end of the month since you’re running out of money. However, you can overcome this problem as long as you know how to shop wisely. Here are the tricks!

Allocate a budget

It’s important to calculate a budget before you shop. Perhaps you have a lot of daily needs, thus you are accustomed to sorting out your priorities so that it won’t exceed your budget.

Avoid impulsive buying

Shopping is not only about making ends meet, but it’s also about holding back your excessive desire. There are many online and offline shops offering various products. Don’t fall into the “trap” and buy everything just because you can afford it. You will spend more than you’d plan to.

Use Available Promo

Look for the latest promo information from merchants because these promos can help you save more. Counter Hero, Giant, and Guardian can be your alternative shopping places as they offer 3.5% cashback, SimplePay 0% for six months. These offers are available for any retail transactions. You can also get other interesting offers if you use PermataHero Card for transactions.

Only bring cash as needed

It’s convenient to have cash in your wallet because you can use it anywhere and anytime. However, it’s better to use it only if you really need it so that you can save more. Cashless transaction is actually more economical, especially if you shop at Hero, Giant, and Guardian because you can get 5% discounts for their private labels and 1.5% cashback if you shop at other places.

Save your remaining budget

As mentioned above, using promo when shopping can be a great way to spend less. That means you can use the remaining budget to make an investment. Use PermataShopping Card to shop without spending too much money. This banking product provides special offers in a lot of executive lounges and chosen merchants. Get your PermataShopping Card now!

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