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Passionate in Music? Try These Steps to Become A Musician

Apr 26, 2021
3 Minutes

Many people assume that becoming a musician is very difficult and really depends on one’s luck. In all honesty, the steps to become a musician starts from hard work and tenacity. If you have talents in music and dreams to become musicians, you can start your career now directly from home! Here are the early steps to create music as a musician that you can do at home. 

Make Your Own Songs
Inspiration can come from anywhere and sometimes it comes unexpectedly. Therefore, you always have to bring a notebook and pen so you can immediately write down lyrics or chords that cross your mind. You can also use the notes app and voice recording feature on your smartphone. 

As you begin to try your career as a musician, you shouldn't be too stuck with creating the best songs. It’s better to write as many songs as you can and let the inspiration flow like air. Next, you can choose the top 3 songs to record and turn into a music demo. 

Learn to Play New Instruments
When you’re starting as a musician, you'll probably have to do things alone. That’s why you need to learn how to play new instruments to help you broaden your musical horizons. For example, you have mastered the guitar and relied on it as your main instrument in writing songs. For your songs to be fully recorded, you can learn to play drums and keyboard to level up your songs’ musicality. To do that, you can teach yourself how to play, learn from friends, or join a music course. 

Actively Show Your Musicality in Social Media
So many people are searching for ways to become musicians, so you will have to compete to be in the spotlight. You need to move actively. Don’t wait until you can release your music demo or sign a music label contract, you can showcase your musical talent on social media!

With social media, you are free to upload any video that you want, maybe it’s a video of you covering a song or singing your own song. Who knows, perhaps your video will become viral and be watched by famous music idols. There are lots of international musicians who started their careers from social media, such as Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes, Ariana Grande, and 5 Seconds of Summer. 

Hire a Publisher to Negotiate Your Contract
In short, a publisher is tasked to take care of administration and manage the copyright of your written songs. So, a publisher handles the license and music royalties, the main source of income for a musician. 

You should find a reliable music publisher who will help you negotiate prices. Remember, pick a music publisher who has the same vision and mission as you do and one who can understand you. In the long run, you can add your publisher’s name and contact information in the music demo so the producers and immediately contact your publisher for negotiation. With that, you can fully focus on creating music without having to worry about complicated music administration. 

Expand Your Networks
The music industry is tightly related to public attention. You have to build a sterling reputation so your works can be widely accepted by the masses. This is the importance of networking, where you can meet with other musicians for collaborations, music producers to help you release a new album, music label to become the place for you to make music, and other professions in the entertainment industry that will help you elevate your popularity!

Prepare the Devices for Recording Songs at Home
If you’re serious about following these steps to become a musician, you need a full set of recording devices at home. Therefore, you can gain more access to create music without having to rent an expensive recording studio. So, which devices do you need?

Of course, you need a high-specs laptop for song editing and D.A.W (Digital Audio Workstation) software for recording, song processing, and editing. Don’t forget to add an audio interface, music instruments, microphones, and headphones to support your career as a musician. 

Prepare all these equipment that you need to realize your dream in becoming a musician. There’s no need to step outside your house, now you can find all the equipment you need online in the various marketplace. Don’t forget to use PermataKartuKredit from PermataBank that has plenty of credit card options with various benefits. From discounts to cashbacks, you can also get 0% installment. Click here to find out more about credit card products from PermataBank. 

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