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Credit Card Information

Changes to Permata Kartu Kredit SMS Notification Fee
Effective from 1 June 2024, there will be a change in the Permata Kartu Kredit SMS Notification fee from IDR 7,500 to IDR 10K.

Changes in Permata Kartu Kredit Interest Rates
According to Bank Indonesia policy, effective from 1 July 2021, the Permata Kartu Kredit interest rate interest rate will change from 2% to 1.75% per month.

Changes to Simple Pay Installment Cancellation Fee
Effective from 30 July 2021, there will be a change in the SimplePay installment cancellation fee from IDR 200K to IDR 350K.

Changes to Permata Kartu Kredit Fee Terms
Effective from 19 March 2024, there will be changes to the Permata Kartu Kredit fee terms. Here are the details:

Types of Credit Card Fees Current Adjustment
Late Payment Fees 1% of the total bill or a minimum of IDR 50K and a maximum of IDR 100K 1% of the total bill or a minimum of IDR 75K and a maximum of IDR 100K
Cash Advance Fee 6% or a minimum of IDR 80K 6% or a minimum of IDR 100K
Navigator Fee IDR 7,500 IDR 10K
Bills to Pay Administration Fee
  • Satelindo, Telkomsel IDR 2K
  • PLN and PAM JAYA IDR 6K 
  • Palija, PAM AETRA IDR 3K
  • NEX Media, FirstMEdias, XL, CBN, Indovision FREE
  • All Bills To Pay IDR 6k per bill
All Bills To Pay IDR 6 thousand per bill

Keep using your Permata Kartu Kredit and enjoy its various benefits and privileges.

Changes to Permata Hero Card Credit Card Annual Fee Terms
Effective from 24 May 2021, there will be changes to the terms of the Permata Hero Card credit card annual fee. Here are the details:

Current Adjustment
Classic: IDR 200K IDR 225K
Gold: IDR 300K IDR 350K
Platinum: IDR 600K IDR 750K

Changes in Bill Printing Fee Terms
Effective from 1 April 2021, there will be a change in the bill printing fee from IDR 20K to IDR 25K

Changes in Cash Fund Cancellation Fee (CoC) Terms
Effective 01 April 2021, there will be a change in the cash fund cancellation fee (CoC) from IDR 200K to IDR 350K.

Changes in Stamp Duty
Based on Law No. 10 of 2020 on Stamp Duty, starting 1 January 2021 the stamp duty on Permata Kartu Kredit payments will be as follows:

Payment Stamp Fee
≤ IDR 5 mio Free
> IDR 5 mio IDR 10K

Changes in interest rates for Permata Kartu Kredit
In accordance with Bank Indonesia's policy during the COVID-19 emergency period. Permata Bank will adjust the interest rate, minimum payment and late fee of Permata Kartu Kredit effective 01 July 2021. Here are the details:

Types of Credit Card Fees Current Adjustment
Interest Rate* 1.75%% per month 1.75% per month
Minimum Payment** 5% of the total bill or a minimum of IDR 50K 5% of the total bill or a minimum of IDR 50K
Delay Penalty** 1% of the total bill or min. IDR 75K and max IDR 100K 1% of the total bill or min. IDR 75K and max IDR 100K

*Interest rate is effective as of 01 July 2021
**Minimum Payment and Late Penalty is valid until 30 June 2025

Keep using your Permata Kartu Kredit and enjoy its various benefits and privileges.

Permata Kartu Kredit PIN Usage
In accordance with Bank Indonesia regulations, effective 1 July 2020 all Permata Kartu Kredit retail transactions must use a 6-digit PIN.

Create your 6-digit Permata Kartu Kredit PIN immediately by visiting this link.

From 1 July 2020, all Permata Kartu Kredit retail transactions without a PIN will be rejected!

For more information contact Permata Tel 1500-111/1500-100 (priority line) / 021-29850611

PT Bank Permata, Tbk is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority and Bank Indonesia.

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