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Unlimited Creativity in the New Normal

Jul 14, 2020
3 Menit

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesian society is preparing for the new normal. This means that there will be new rules and habits that need to be adapted to our daily activities. However, the new normal is not a limitation on productivity and creativity. Many things have been postponed during these last few months, but the new normal will allow us to ignite our creative force and finally execute our plans.

Boundless Interesting Activities to Do
#DirumahAja should not let you be miserable. In fact, you can be more productive in these trying times. Get back to your old hobby, try cooking simple food, work on your art projects, start gardening, or transforming your daily activities into virtual ones. 

One of the most recent virtual activity trends in virtual photoshoot. This is an alternative solution from photographers to break through the COVID-19 pandemic. Some people choose to learn a new foreign language using a mobile application to hone their language skills which can be beneficial in the long run.

Some people may still see the new normal as a big obstacle, but it’s better if you turn this limitation into a challenge where you can create more opportunities. The key is to be creative in finding solutions to the existing boundaries. If the attempt is successful, there will be many new things that you can do.

Supported by Digital Technology
This new normal ave will “force” you to fully adapt to digital technology. Whether you admit it or not, there’s no denying that technology has become very helpful during the current situation, not limited to the communication aspect. Nowadays, technology is also used to develop soft skills and hard skills by holding virtual workshops and seminars. In conditions like now, you must have reliable supporting devices to help you in doing activities and learning new skills.

Just like those people who are starting a new cooking hobby, buying good kitchen tools and gadgets is an obligation for cooking delicious recipes. In photography, you need to adopt new techniques for capturing satisfying photos during a virtual photoshoot. It’s more than just a hobby, it has become some sort of investment in creativity which can be turned into a new business opportunity.

New Normal with PermataKTA
Turning your hobby into a side job is one of the many creative solutions in facing the new normal condition. However, every job, including ones that are based on hobbies, must be supported with sufficient capital.

The fear of not being able to collect enough capital is the biggest obstacle in your steps of owning your own business based on your skills or hobbies. Fortunately, there is one solution that you can use as an option to make your unlimited creativity into reality during this new normal era, the one and only PermataKTA from PermataBank.

By applying for PermataKTA, you can purchase various supporting devices to hone your skills or hobbies, surely will make you become more productive. PermataKTA also gives numerous benefits, such as low interest starting from 0.88%, cash up to Rp300 million, and KTA Protection Insurance. It’s fast and easy, go online via PermataMobile X.

Now is the time to start the things that you have been wanting to do. Prepare yourself and grab this chance to overcome this new normal era with unlimited creativity, together with PermataKTA.

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