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Pay Cash versus Loan: Which One is Better for a House?

Jan 25, 2020
5 Menit

If we made a survey about buying a house, the result would be predictable. There would be more people that feel like they were late buying a bigger house rather than those who were grateful setting aside their savings to buy a house. According to Dewi Damajanti Widjaja, a Senior Vice President Mortgage Permata Bank, the decision about the best time to buy a property really depends on personal preferences. If you want to have Home Ownership Loan (KPR), you have to set aside your monthly income and save it at a bank account through KPR. “On the contrary, if you pay cash for a house, you will have to save a number of money until reaching the sufficient amount to buy it. Simply count how much money you can save, and how long it will be conducted. Don’t forget to include the price increase rate during that period,” explained.

For instance, an employee with monthly income of IDR10 million has been saved the money for three years to be put into a down payment (DP) and other KPR fees. He decides to buy a house worth of IDR300 million with ten years tenor of KPR then. He can use his saving for DP, and will still have IDR17.2 million to use for other needs. Each month, he needs to set aside IDR3.6 million for KPR installment. After ten years, the money that accumulated for KPR will reach IDR432 million. However, the value of the house will reach IDR732 million.

In Indonesia, the rising in property price is approximately 6% to 20% per year. Therefore, KPR is a great and rational choice to own a house. Not to mention that you will most likely encounter some issues during the process of saving the money. “This is why people need to be educated about the property investment, especially using KPR for the payment method,” said Dewi.

From this information, it can be concluded that KPR is the best solution for people to own a house. PermataKPR Cicilan Tetap is worth your consideration because it offers convenient process and affordable installment. The banking product will help you to get a dream home very soon.

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