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4 Easy Tips for Students to Start Saving Money

Jun 16, 2020
3 Minutes

College life is often linked to poor lifestyle, living without much money. This is the moment in life when students begin to understand what it feels like to live independently. Even though you do not have a fixed income or a full-time job, you and other students are still able to save money to fulfill various needs and wants. Just follow these simple tips on saving money.

Utilize Student Discounts
One of the many ways to save money that you can try is using student discounts. These student discounts can be easily found in restaurants, bookshops, and even barbershops. Just show your student card and you can start enjoying various attractive promotions, including discounts.

These student discounts are also offered by paid applications and streaming services online. You can check and find out whether the application and online services that you like have this special student program. Make sure that your university partners up with these online services.

Bring Your Own Meal
Food is the largest expense that anyone can have, especially for students. Think about this, you spend Rp15,000/meal and you eat twice a day. You will have to spend Rp900,000 per month on food. Pretty expensive, right? Rp15,000 is still considered a cheap price, you probably only get rice and one or two side dishes.

The next way to save money is by bringing your own meal. This is easier for students who are still living with their parents. However, if you live alone in a dormitory house, you can still try this method. Use the public kitchen in your dormitory, or you can buy a rice cooker to cook inside your room.

With this method, you can greatly reduce the cost of eating out. Raw ingredients are much cheaper than ready-to-eat meals, you just need to find easy and delicious recipes. Bring your own meal every time to go to class. Don’t forget to bring your own water. Use a reusable bottle and tumbler, so you won’t have to buy bottled water in a minimarket. Apart from being cheap, you get to be healthier as now you are in full control of the food that you eat.

Take Advantage of Free Resources
The benefits of being a student are the many facilities available and free to use. You can access the free library and wifi at your campus. You don’t have to spend a single penny to buy more books for your assignment or thesis, try to find book and journal references in the campus’ library.

Not only academic books, but you can also read the newest editions of magazines, fiction books, and fun movies available for rent at the library. Using the free wifi, you can reduce your mobile data usage, so you won’t have to spend more money to buy a monthly mobile data package.

If you are active in student organizations or campus events, you can get free meals. This will surely help you to save more money in the long run. Moreover, these campus events usually give out free vouchers and souvenirs to each participant. No buts and ifs, it’s time for you to be an active student!

Classify Your Expenses
Your attempt to save money will never work effectively if you still struggle to manage your finances. Reducing expenses is not enough, you need to classify each of your expenses. The first step is listing every daily transaction, such as dormitory house fee (if there is any), meal cost, entertainment cost, school equipment cost, and transportation cost.

After listing each expense, start to classify them into two categories, customary and non-customary expenses. From here, you can see which ones can be prioritized and which ones need to be reduced or eliminated completely. Every time you receive your monthly allowance, immediately set aside the necessary fund for customary expenses.

Saving money gets easier when you use a savings account to classify your expenses, like PermataME from PermataBank. Transactions become faster, safer, and easier, complete with various reward and promotions only for you.

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