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Asking for Ngabuburit Ideas at Home? Try These 6 Activities

May 31, 2021
4 Minutes

As we’re approaching the time to break the fast, the clock seems to have rolled slower than usual. For this reason, many people ask for the idea of ngabuburit or killing time at home. Usually, people choose to walk around looking for takjil as a ngabuburit activity. Since the pandemic, most of the ngabuburit activities have been carried out at home to make it safer.

Since many of us have stayed at home for far too long, many people are running out of ideas for ngabuburit and ask for ideas at home to ward off boredom. Take it easy, try the following 6 activities at home that are anti-mainstream and fun as you wait for iftar to arrive.

Playing Online Game with Friends
Playing with friends is not only done face to face. Now, you can play online games with friends, many people even find it more exciting. There are so many online games that you can play, from solo, multiplayer with your friends, to online with friends or strangers. Playing online games together is really exciting, it can even make you not realize how fast time rolls around. Even though it's fun to play, don't miss out on the breaking of the fast, okay!

Do Me Time
Sometimes, you also need me time, you know! While waiting for the time to break the fast, just take advantage of it to do your own me time. No need to be confused about what kind of me time activities to do at home; you can choose a series of activities to treat your body, face, and hair. For example, do facial masks, skincare routines while watching favorite K-dramas, spa-style bath scrubs, and cream baths or hair masks at home. No doubt, when you welcome Eid, you will definitely look more glowing!

Cook Iftar Menu
Do you ask for a ngabuburit idea that is also productive? No need to be confused, go to the kitchen, put on an apron, and cook iftar menu for breaking the fast or for suhoor! If you love cooking, this idea of ngabuburit can also be used to channel your hobby and serve an iftar menu that makes you happy.

Don't forget to set the right time to cook. If the recipe is too complicated or requires a lot of ingredients, do the food preparation first a few hours before iftar or suhoor. Therefore, the food will be cooked immediately as soon as the bedug sounds.

Do Light Exercise
While waiting for the time to break the fast, take advantage of your free time to exercise. You don't have to do strenuous exercise, considering that you are fasting, hungry, and thirsty. Just do light exercise to keep your body in shape. There are a lot of light exercises that you can try, starting from stretching, walking in the park, and yoga. It's best to start this light exercise after the asr prayer so that you also have time to get ready before the Maghrib call to prayer reverberates.

Start a New Hobby
Want to try a new hobby, but never have the right time? Instead of being confused about what to do while waiting for iftar time, just start a new hobby at home. New hobbies that you can try out at home such as writing, painting, and taking care of plants or pets are some of which that most people like. 

Binge Watching TV Series
For those who like watching TV series, you can use your ngabuburit time to continue your TV series marathon. So many TV series can be watched via online streaming applications. By watching a TV series on the application, you can immediately watch all episodes in complete order without any distraction. 

Again, this TV series marathon can also leave you unaware of how fast time flies. So, set up a 30-minute alarm before Maghrib for you to prepare breaking the fast!

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