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6 Gift Recommendations for Special One to Celebrate a Romantic Christmas

Dec 27, 2021
4 Minutes

Christmas gifts are given in the celebration of Christmas. Generally, giving gifts is a gesture to strengthen the chemistry with special ones. Therefore, the gifts presented should have a special meaning that portrays your unique relationship with someone. To celebrate a romantic Christmas this year, read the following gift recommendations for your significant other and feel the joy in using the PermataME online savings account for Christmas shopping!

Couple Watches
Couple watches are the best thing to give to your partner to make them feel special and loved. Most people love surprises, especially when it comes to thoughtful ones such as couple watches. Wearing the same watch as your partner shows that you and your partner are a very loving couple. 

As a special present, perfume is considered to have emotional chemistry. Giving perfume to your partner is a gesture to show that you care and cherish them. In addition, it shows that you understand what your partner's favorite is. 

Perfume is also something that your partner will frequently use, and it will always remind them of you. Giving perfume as a gift can be your way of showing your partner what emotions and feelings they evoke in you. You can describe a person with words or colors, but perfume is unique to tell someone through scent.

Leather Wallet
Nowadays, more people are opening an online bank account to support a cashless lifestyle. Besides being practical, online accounts usually provide other benefits in the form of competitive bank interest. However, that does not mean giving a leather wallet as a Christmas gift is a bad idea.

A leather wallet is timeless, so it is a perfect gift for a special one. A wallet is a thing where we keep valuable things. Symbolically, a wallet can represent the preservation of life and a sign of good luck. If you want to wish your partner more wealth, success, and abilities, then a wallet is perfect for celebrating a romantic Christmas.

Bags are a sign of responsibility in life. The things you carry in your bag reveal different information about your current life. A bag is a symbol that indicates all the responsibilities of your life. At the same time, bags are gifts that bring happiness and are useful, answering the need to have everything you need in one place.

If your partner loves photography, then giving a camera as a Christmas present can be the best option. For a wider scope of photography, you can consider an action cam. Alternatively, you can also give a Polaroid camera to capture romantic moments together.

Couple Vacation
One of the best gifts to give yourself and your partner is experiences and vacations. Surprising your partner with a vacation as a couple can be the most pleasant gift for both of you. An unforgettable vacation together is guaranteed to provide long-term happiness that is very memorable.

Tips to Find the Perfect Gifts 
There are several tips that you can follow to give a memorable and perfect gift to your partner. Here are some of them:

  • Pick a problem-solving kind of gift - Choose a gift that can solve the problem of your special one. For example, if your partner's wallet has been damaged, you can provide a new wallet as a solution.
  • Do not give additional trouble - People don't like making decisions, so don't choose gifts that force them to do so. Therefore, if you plan a vacation together as a gift, set a departure date after confirming your partner's free schedule beforehand.
  • Do not be too overthinking - As someone who wants to give a present, you may want to show how well you know your partner. However, your partner is the one who knows best about what they want. So, if he has asked for a specific gift, give him what he wants. 

So, what is the best gift for your partner you would like to present this year? Whatever it is, do not forget to use PermataME, a savings account that supports the current lifestyle for various needs, such as buying gifts online. With PermataME online savings, you can enjoy 20% cashback for online shopping. There is also a 10% cashback for online transportation transactions and a 30% cashback for coffee and movie transactions to enliven your Christmas celebration.

If you wonder how to open a PermataME online account, no need to worry. You can have a PermataME account by opening an online account easily and quickly through the PermataMobile X mobile banking application without the need to come to a PermataBank branch office. You can follow the steps below:

  1. Download PermataMobile X mobile banking apps on Google Play or App Store;    
  2. Open the apps and click 'Start' on the home screen; 
  3. Click 'No' for the question 'Do you have a PermataBank account?’; 
  4. Next, choose PermataME on PermataStore and click 'Apply Now';
  5. Prepare your e-KTP or ID card  and follow the next steps until it is completed.

If you have completed the steps of opening an online account and received your debit card, you can also enjoy various promotions offered by well-known merchants that collaborate with PermataBank. Check the list of PermataBank promos here!

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