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More Seamless Ways to Access Your Monthly Account Statements on PermataMobile X

Dec 21, 2022
1 Minute

Starting from February 2023, PermataBank will stop sending printed monthly account statements. However, for individual customers who use hardcopy paper statements, there's no need to worry! PermataBank has made it easy to provide your monthly account statements.

Account statements of up to the last 12 months for all savings, current accounts, time deposits and investments in PermataBank can be easily downloaded in the softcopy form via PermataMobile X or PermataNet anytime and anywhere tailored to your needs. Your monthly account statement will also be converted into a consolidated account statement with your other accounts registered at PermataBank. PermataBank makes sure that your account statements are easier to get and safer. Check out the details in the table below:

  Before Now
Account Mutation Report Form Hardcopy, printed and sent to the correspondence address registered in the Bank's system. Softcopy, which can be accessed via PermataMobile X or PermataNet.
The Safety of Accessing Account Statements Does not use a password and can potentially be accessed by unauthorized persons. Safe, accessed or logged in via PermataMobile X with a user ID and password that only the customer knows.
File Storage Less practical, as it is in hardcopy or paper form. More practical, as it can be accessed at any time on PermataMobile X, up to the last 12 months.
Monthly Fee IDR 15,000 per month or IDR 180,000 per year. Free.

Please contact PermataTel at 1500111 and 021-29850611 or the nearest PermataBank branch for further information. For those who do not have PermataMobile X, register for PermataMobile X now and enjoy the convenience of accessing your e-statements anytime and anywhere.

Download e-Statement  Tutorial Download e-Statement


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