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Stop Buying Fake Goods! These are 5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Original Products

Jan 12, 2022
4 Minutes

The production and the spread of fake goods are easily found in our society, from fashion to technology products. Financial aspects become one of the reasons why people like to buy fake goods which are considered far cheaper than the original. Although buying fake goods is not illegal, such action should highly be avoided. 

Purchasing and using original brands will not only make you feel proud but also get the best and guaranteed quality. There are other reasons why you should consider buying the original, as described below.

A Gesture of Appreciation for Artists
In general, fake goods are counterfeit of the original products. Creators of fake goods imitate the original products to make them look very similar. In fact, the creation of original products has involved a lot of thinking, creativity, and effort in order to produce the best quality products. 

Try to put yourself in the creator’s shoes, and imagine how does it feel if someone imitates your work and sell the products on the market to gain money. Whereas, you were the one who created the original work to be sold on the market. So let’s show our appreciation to the original artists or designers by purchasing the original products. 

Quality Comes with A Price
In general, price is the common reason why people prefer to buy fake goods. People think that original products are too expensive compared to fake ones. However, in determining the price of a product, the creator considers a lot of aspects. The high price behind original products comes with a lot of effort to produce the best quality. 

Starting from brainstorming, researching, production, quality control, to distribution, these phases are conducted to produce the original products with the best quality. Therefore, customers can use the products for a long period of time.

Let’s compare it with fake products. Although the price is more affordable, the quality is usually low, and you will not be able to use it for a long time. Hence, you will need to spend more money to buy a new one. In the end, using original products will save you money and time as you do not need to buy the same product more than once. 

Collecting Items with An Investment Value 
Considering that original products have better quality and can be used for a longer time, people usually buy original products for their collection. Some of the original products even have investment value that can bring you profit in the future. 

The original products that are considered as vintage goods can be sold at a higher price, for example, sneakers Yeezy 2 Red Octobers. In 2014, a pair of sneakers was sold for USD 250 or IDR 3,600,000. Now, it costs about USD 5655 or about IDR 82 million.

The Price Gap is not too High Compared to the Fake Goods
People usually buy fake goods that are considered to have a similar look and quality to the original ones but at a lower price.

If we look closely, the price gap between original and fake products is not too high. By adding a little bit more money, you can get the original products with way better qualities and can be used for a longer time.

Avoid Illegal Action
The production of fake products in Indonesia is still considered acceptable. You can easily find counterfeit products both offline and online. The production of counterfeit goods can be regarded as a violation of copyright because they plagiarized other people's work. In other words, when you buy or wear fake goods, indirectly, you are doing something illegal.

If you wear fake goods abroad, there is a chance you will be punished. The law against counterfeit goods is severe in foreign countries. Offenders can be subject to sanctions in the form of imprisonment for up to three years or pay fines of up to tens of thousands of dollars.

After considering all the above, it is now time to stop purchasing fake goods and buy the originals instead. So, let’s save money to buy the original products. Use PermataME Saving as a means of supporting your budgeting and saving money to buy authentic products. Open PermataME account online easily. Register online through PermataMobile X apps, and your account is ready to use.

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