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Find It Difficult to Save Your Money? Try These 5 Tips!

Apr 10, 2022
4 Minutes

Saving is one of the essential activities to help you achieve your financial goals. Unfortunately, not everyone is good at saving. Many people find it difficult to spare their money. Various reasons ranging from mediocre income to lousy spending habits without a clear purpose make saving difficult.

Are you one of the many people who have difficulty saving? If true, you need to listen to the following tips so that your savings are thriving, including opening an online savings account!

Set Goals as Motivation
What goals do you want to aim for when saving? This question becomes very important because you are asked to provide an apparent reason for saving. Why is it important?

Many people find it difficult to save because they have no definite goal. It makes savings feel less important, so there is no guilt when squandering it. Make a goal to motivate your saving. Whether for a wedding fund or a down payment on a house, this goal makes you more responsible when spending money.

Open a Special Online Savings
Set up special online savings account different from your daily account. So, the money you have to save will be different from your everyday needs. Never touch this savings account for any reason. That way, your saving will be safe.

One of the online savings you can use for this purpose is PermataME. This bank product is a savings account specially made for young people who often find it difficult to save. Opening an online savings account and free cash withdrawals makes saving more manageable and profitable. You only need to download the PermataMobile X mobile banking application and open an account online whenever and wherever you want.

Set Aside Directly from Income
Before using your income for shopping, it's always a good idea to allocate some money to your savings account. If you let it blend for a long time, your savings will be more vulnerable to being lost, intentionally or unintentionally. You will find it increasingly hard to fill your savings.

Write Down All Your Spending Habits You Usually Do
Opening an online savings account is not the only way to improve your saving habits. You also need to identify your spending habits. Don't just think about it, but write down all of them on a piece of paper. Any activities that cost more money during one week need to be described in as much detail as possible. If necessary, write down what your expenses were during the past week.

Identifying wasteful habits will help you reflect on yourself. Identify what activities are quite draining your income. As much as possible, reduce the habit if it is difficult to stop it.

Change These Wasteful Habits To Save More
After identifying the wasteful habits, it's time to turn those old habits into something profitable. For example, say you like shopping online and spending money on something that doesn't matter. Tempted by the prices during flash sales, without thinking about it, you buy the item. You can take control of it simply by deleting the e-commerce app on your phone. That way, wasteful triggers are minimized.

Maybe you're also pretty bad at managing expenses caused by your frequent ordering of food online. It's a simple activity as you can just order and eat. However, if you calculate carefully, you can get more food by buying these groceries for the same amount of money. There's nothing wrong with making your food to reduce your monthly expenses.

From opening an online savings account to changing wasteful habits, saving is no longer difficult to do. The key is consistency and a firm determination to save. Make the goal of saving as motivation, use online savings to become a particular savings container, and change wasteful habits into frugal behavior. These steps are not difficult to do. So, say goodbye to hard savings!

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