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Prime Lending Rate

Basic information on setting the load interest rate that will be applied to customers

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Effective 31 July 2024

Prime Landing Rate IDR

Based on Business Segmentation

Corporate Credit 8.50%
Retail Credit 9.00%
Micro Credit -
Consumption Credit - Mortgages 8.50%
Consumption Credit - Non Mortgages 8.75%


  1. Prime Lending Rate (PLR) is used as the basis for determining the interest rate to be charged by the bank to the customer. PLR does not include Risk Premium which depends on the Bank's assessment of the individual customer risk or group of debtors risk. Hence, the loan pricing to customers does not need to be the same as PLR.
  2. Consumption Loans - Non Mortgages does not include Credit Card and Personal Loans. Consumption Loans - Non Mortgages are granted by the Bank under Joint Financing scheme through Multifinance companies. 
  3. Real time PLR information is published at every branch and/or the bank's website.

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