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Time Deposit

Term deposit with numerous currency options


A term deposit with the freedom to choose the currency.

What are the Benefits?



Have the freedom to place deposits in the currency of your choosing



Enjoy the flexibility to choose the deposit interest payment and term

Automatic Roll Over (ARO)

Automatic Roll Over (ARO)

Enjoy the freedom to expand automatic deposits through Automatic Roll Over (ARO)



Enjoy the competitive interest rates

What are the Requirements?

Provide company establishment documents and licenses such as Deed of Incorporation (AKTA), Business Trade License (SIUP), Company Registration Certificate (TDP), Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), etc

Provide company establishment documents and licenses such as Deed of Incorporation (AKTA), Business Trade License (SIUP), Company Registration Certificate (TDP), Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), etc

Fill account opening form and documents

Fill account opening form and documents

Report and Other Information

General version of Product and Service Information Summary (RIPLAY)

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