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Permata QR Merchant

An easy and safe way to receive payments for your business


Permata QR shall mean a Permata Bank’s banking service that is used to accept payment transactions via Quick Response (QR) system based on the QR Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS).

Name of Issuer

PT Bank Permata,Tbk


The features found in Permata QR in general are receiving payments at the Merchants using the customer's QR code application.

In using this feature, the Merchants will be subject to MDR which the amount shall comply with the provisions of the Regulator.

Permata QR can produce QR into 2 types of QR, namely as follows:

  1. Static QR
    Static QR only displays merchant data. Transaction data in the form of nominal of payment must be inputted by the QR user when the QR payment process has been carried out.
  2. Dynamic QR
    In the dynamic QR, the data received by the QR user is equipped with transaction data in the form of nominal of payment along with the Merchant's data, so hereinafter the QR user can directly execute the transaction.

QR forms offered:

  1. Printable QR and Mobile Application (apps): Static QR codes printed in the form of stickers/tentcard/ banners, or other printable forms, where for receiving notifications of transactions at the Merchant, they are given in the form of mobile apps that are installed by the Merchant on their own devices. Mobile apps themselves are applications that can generate QR both in static and dynamic form.
  2. API: is a service that allows the Bank system to connect directly with the Merchant system by the API (Application Programming Interface), so that the Merchants can use the Permata QR feature through the Merchant’s system.

Advantages of Use and Benefits for the Merchant

  1. Transactions are easier and faster, because Merchants only need 1 (one) QRIS to accept payments from various sources of funds or QRIS-based payment applications.
  2. Merchants can accept transactions from domestic and foreign QR users who already have cooperation with Indonesia (QR Cross Border).
  3. Payment transactions are simpler and more hygienic/touchless, just scan or show QRIS.
  4. No need to manage cash, thus minimizing operational risk.
  5. Expanding market share through increasing use and acceptance of QRIS.
  6. Provide digital payment methods to users/consumers which are expected to increase transactions for Merchants.
  7. Build a track record for micro, small and medium enterprises Merchants in using other banking facilities.

Product Risk

  1. Permata QR's USER ID and Password are confidential. Misuse of USER ID and Password by irresponsible parties is the full responsibility of the Merchant.
  2. Make sure that the QR transaction notification check has appeared and is always carried out by the Merchant before providing goods/services to customers. Risk and loss without making such checks will be borne by the Merchant.

General Criteria

Permata QR is only intended for a Permata Bank customer who has been approved to become a Merchant, both individuals and institutions.

Requirements and Procedures for Customer Complaints Service

 Terms to become a Merchant:

  1. Have a business/have an interest where the business/ interest can be paid through a QR Code transaction.
  2. Completing the Merchant Data Form (MDF) and signing the General Terms and Conditions (GT&C) of Cooperation of the Merchant.
  3. Opening a Permata Bank savings/current account according to the applicable procedures in the branch office.
  4. Completing the document requirements in accordance with the type of registration (individual/institution) and fulfilling the requirements as a merchant.
Type of Document Individual Corporate
Copy Merchant Owner/Company PIC ID Card V V
Copy NPWP If any V
Business location photo showing:
  1. Outer view along with banner signboard
  2. Look inside
  3. Look around
For non-business entities (e.g. donation institutions), the photos displayed are photos of the existence of the community or events that have been held
Copy Deed of Establishment or the latest amendments X V
Copy SIUP, OSS, or Other Business License V V

Procedures for Customer Complaints Service:

The Merchants can submit complaints to Permata Bank through the following:

  1. Orally: Through Permata Tel in 1500111 or 021-50999999
  2. In Writing:          
    1. Come to the Permata Bank office network
    2. Visiting the website: www.permatabank.com
    3. E-mail: care@permatabank.co.id

The Application Process to Become a Merchant

  1. The nearest Permata Bank branch office.
  2. Marketing Staff for Permata Bank Product.


MDR fee:
This fee is determined by the Regulator in accordance with applicable regulations.

The current MDR QR amount refers to Permata Bank website: https://www.permatabank.com/en/digital-channel/permataqr/biaya

For Special MCC: 

  1. Gas Station, Public Service Obligation, and Badan Layanan Umum 0.4%
  2. Education 0.6%.
  3. Social assistance, social donations, non-profit 0%.


MDR Fee Simulation:

Type of Transaction Amount Transaction % MDR Amount MDR Nominal yang Diterima
TransaksiQR Permata Bank 300,000 0.70% 2,100 297,900
Transaksi QR Non Permata Bank 600,000 0.70% 4,200 595,800

Additional Information

Matters that must be considered by Merchants related to the use of QR, because it can provide the following risks for the Merchants:

  1. Merchants must ensure that the notification of the success of the QR transaction has appeared and is appropriate before the transaction is considered successful / delivers goods to the customer.
  2. Merchant must ensure that the QR sticker is placed in a safe location and is easily visible to QR users.
  3. Merchant shall be obliged to ensure the security and confidentiality of the Merchant's user ID and password for the mobile apps.
  4. Merchant shall be obliged to keep the transaction documents for 90 days.
  5. Permata QR Payments require data communication from cellular operators; Merchant shall be obliged to ensure the availability of data communications to be able to receive QR transaction notifications.

Disclaimer (important to read)

  1. The bank may reject your product application if it does not meet the applicable requirements and regulations.
  2. You must carefully read this Summary of Product and Service Information before agreeing to the application for the PermataQR and have the right to ask Bank employees for all matters related to this Summary of Information on Products and Services.

For further information please contact Permata Tel at 1500-111.

PT. Bank Permata Tbk, is licensed and supervised by Financial Services Authority & Bank Indonesia.


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