Use Permata Kartu Kredit and Permata Debit Plus to get up to IDR 400K discount. Promo valid until 23 March 2025.
- Terms and Conditions
- Promo valid on 10 - 23 March 2025.
- Promo is valid for users of all types of Permata Kartu Kredit with full or installment payment methods, and Permata Debit Plus.
- Discount of IDR 150K with a minimum transaction of IDR 1.5 mio for the first 160 transactions during the promo program period with Permata Kartu Kredit using promo code: RMDN-PRMT1.
- Discount of IDR 250K with a minimum transaction of IDR 3 mio for the first 200 transactions during the promo program period with Permata Kartu Kredit using the promo code: RMDN-PRMT2.
- Discount of IDR 400K with a minimum transaction of IDR 5 mio for the first 90 transactions during the promo program period with Permata Kartu Kredit using the promo code: RMDN-PRMT3.
- Get 10% discount with a maximum of IDR 200K with a minimum transaction of IDR 500K for the first 125 transactions during the promo program period with Permata Debit Plus using the promo code: RMDNPRMTDBT.
- 1 card number can get 1x discount/during the promo period.
- Transactions can be processed if the available balance on the Customer's card is still sufficient to debit.
- Bank & Merchant reserve the right to analyze all transactions and have the right to cancel or terminate the program if any indication of abuse or fraud is found.
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