Get up to 20% discount on hotels and souvenir purchases on or AirAsia MOVE app. Promo is valid until 30 April 2025.
- Get 20% Discount up to IDR 200K
- Get 20% discount for a hotel booking with a minimum transaction of IDR 1 mio.
- Maximum discount is IDR 200K.
- Promo is valid for booking on or AirAsia MOVE app.
- Promo is valid for AirAsia Card.
- Discount can be obtained by entering the promo code listed or AirAsia MOVE application on payment page.
- This promo is only valid for 1 (one) time transaction/card/day during the program period.
- Promo is valid until 30 April 2025.
- Get 15% Discount up to IDR 500K
- Get 15% discount for souvenir purchase with a minimum transaction of IDR 550K.
- Maximum discount is IDR 500K.
- Promo is valid for booking on or AirAsia MOVE app.
- Promo is valid for AirAsia Card.
- Discount can be obtain by entering the promo code listed on or AirAsia MOVE app on payment page.
- Promo is only valid for 1 (one) time transaction/card/day during the program period.
- Make sure you already have an AirAsia flight ticket.
- Promo is valid until 30 April 2025.