Use Permata Kartu Kredit to get up to IDR 1,446,000 discount. Promo valid until 6 April 2025.
- Terms and Conditions
- Promo is valid on 7 March – 6 April 2025.
- Up to IDR 1,446,000 discount with min. transaction starting from IDR 3 mio and transaction must be made using Permata Kartu Kredit with installment payment method:
- IDR 200K discount with minimum transaction of IDR 3 mio - IDR 4,999,999 for the first 62 transactions.
- IDR 300K discount with a minimum transaction of IDR 5 mio - IDR 9,999,999 for the first 80 transactions.
- IDR 500K discount with minimum transaction of IDR 10 mio - IDR 14,999,999 for the first 40 transactions.
- IDR 750K discount with minimum transaction of IDR 15 mio - IDR 19,999,999 for the first 30 transactions.
- IDR 1 mio discount with minimum transaction of IDR 20 mio - IDR 24,999,999 for the first 25 transactions.
- IDR 1,446,000 discount with minimum transaction of IDR 25 mio or more for the first 11 transactions.
- Valid for all types of Permata Kartu Kredit.
- 1 card can only get a discount 1 time during the promo period.
- Valid for the first 248 transactions at all Erafone outlets, and Mi Stores that specifically participate in this promo.
- Discount quota availability can be asked/checked directly at each Erafone outlet, and Mi Store.
- The order will be processed if the total available credit limit on the credit card is still sufficient for debiting.
- The Bank and Merchant reserve the right to analyze the fairness of the transaction at any time and have the right to cancel the transaction and/or terminate the program at any time if there are indications of abuse or fraud.
- The program is valid for transactions at all Erafone outlets, and Mi Store.