Use Permata Kartu Kredit to get up to IDR 1 mio discount. Promo valid until 31 July 2025.
- Bluebird
- Promo is valid until 30 June 2025.
- Promo is only valid on MyBluebird app.
- Get 15% discount (up to IDR 15K) by entering the promo code: PMTBB15.
- Promo is valid every day for the first 20 transactions/day.
- Discount applies once the minimum amount of transaction is met.
- Promo can only be used for Bluebird and Bluebird Kirim services.
- Promo is valid for 1 time/MyBluebird account/month.
- Promo is valid for Permata Kartu Kredit Platinum, Permata Black Card, Permata Ultimate Card and Permata Infinite Card, at MyBluebird.
- Minimum transaction applicable in each Bluebird operational area:
- Bandung, Semarang, Makassar, Yogyakarta: IDR 20K.
- Cilegon, Surabaya, Lombok, Manado, Palembang, Padang, Pekanbaru, Batam: IDR 15K.
- Jakarta, Medan: IDR 25K.
- Bali, Bangka Belitung: IDR 30K.
- EZPay: IDR 10K.
- Bank & Merchant reserves the right to analyze all transactions and the right to cancel or terminate the program if any indication of abuse or fraud is found.
- Garuda Indonesia
- Promo is valid on 3 – 9 March 2025
- This program is valid for Customers who make Garuda Indonesia ticket transactions through Garuda Indonesia digital channels (Website and FlyGaruda App).
- Valid for Permata Kartu Kredit Platinum, Permata Black Card, Permata Ultimate Card and Permata Infinite Card issued by PT Bank Permata Tbk.
- This program is valid for ticket purchases for Domestic and International routes.
- Valid for 1 card/transaction/per program period.
- Discount will be processed immediately at the time of payment as long as the quota is still available.
- Discount is only valid for payment with the Rupiah currency.
- Refund, reissued and reschedule provisions of airplane tickets apply according to the rules applicable to PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. according to each ticket sub-class.
- In the event of a refund, Customers can send an email to:
- In the event of a reschedule and reissued, Customers can contact the PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk call center: 0804 1 807 807 or 021 2351 9999.
- Rechedule and reissued outside the promotion period for tickets with special discount prices apply upsell on the published fare.
- Discount for holders of Permata Kartu Kredit Platinum, Permata Black Card, Permata Ultimate Card, and Permata Infinite Card issued by PT. Bank Permata Tbk. up to IDR 1 mio with the following details:
- IDR 450K discount with a minimum transaction of IDR 5 mio for the first 25 transactions during the promo program period by entering the promo code MUDIK25.
- IDR 1 mio discount with a minimum transaction of IDR 10 mio for the first 10 transactions during the promo program period by entering promo code MUDIK25.
- Gojek
- This promo is valid from 1 August 2024 - 31 July 2025.
- Valid for all types of Permata Kartu Kredit.
- Valid for GoFood, GoRide, and GoCar services through the Gojek application.
- The promotion is valid every day during the promotional period with the following details:
- IDR 15K GoFood discount with a minimum transaction of IDR 150K for the first 500 transactions per week during the promotion period.
- IDR 30K GoFood discount with a minimum transaction of IDR 300K for the first 300 transactions per week during the promotion period.
- IDR 5K GoCar discount with a minimum transaction of IDR 50K for the first 200 transactions per week during the promotion period.
- IDR 4K GoRide discount with a minimum transaction of IDR 40K for the first 200 transactions per week during the promotion period.
- The promotion is only valid 1x per Customer per week.
- Transactions will be processed if the available credit limit on the Customer's card is sufficient for debiting.
- The Bank and Merchant reserve the right to analyze the reasonableness of transactions and have the right to cancel transactions and/or stop the program at any time if there are indications of misuse or fraud.
- Silverbird
- Promo is valid until 30 June 2025.
- Promo only valid on MyBluebird app.
- Get 15% discount (up to IDR 25K) by entering promo code: PMTSB15.
- Promo is valid every day for the first 20 transactions/day.
- Discount applies once the minimum amount of transaction is met.
- Promo can only be used for Silverbird and Silverbird Kirim services.
- Promo is valid for 1 time/MyBluebird account/month.
- Promo is valid for Permata Kartu Kredit Platinum, Permata Black Card, Permata Ultimate Card and Permata Infinite Card, at MyBluebird.
- Minimum transaction applicable in each Bluebird operational area:
- Jakarta: IDR 75K.
- EZPay: IDR 50K.
- Banks & Merchants reserve the right to analyse all transactions and have the right to cancel or terminate the program if there are indications of abuse or fraud.
- Traveloka
- Promo is valid on 11 March 2025 – 6 April 2025 every day starting at 08.00 GMT +7 until 23.59 GMT +7.
- Valid only for Permata Kartu Kredit users with full payment or installment method.
- IDR 100K discount with a minimum transaction of IDR 2 mio for the first 15 transactions per day.
- IDR 250K discount with a minimum transaction of IDR 5 mio for the first 8 transactions per day.
- IDR 800K discount with A minimum transaction of IDR 12.5 mio for the first 2 transactions per day.
- Promo quota will be updated every day at 08.00 AM.
- 1 account (user ID) can get 1X/week discount during the promo period.
- Discount apply to all products, except products that cannot be discounted (according to Merchant regulations).
- In addition to installment/service fees according to Traveloka's provisions, each installment transaction will be charged an administration fee by the Bank of IDR 25K and will be charged on the Customer's billing sheet.
- Cancellation of airplane tickets refers to the terms and conditions of each airline and any refund will be reduced by the nominal promo discount.
- If the Customer cancels the installment, a penalty fee of IDR 350K will be charged per installment transaction submitted.
- Transactions will be processed if the available credit limit on the Customer's card is still sufficient for debiting.
- Bank & Merchant reserves the right to analyze the fairness of the transaction at any time and has the right to cancel the transaction and/or terminate the program at any time if there are indications of abuse or fraud.