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PermataUltimate Card

20,000 Miles Welcome Bonus and Transaction IDR 5K = 1 Mile

Earn a welcome bonus of 20,000 flight miles and collect flight miles for every transaction of IDR 5K = 1 mile.

Welcome Bonus 20,000 Miles
  • This program applies only for PermataUltimate Card and PermataBank Priority customers with a minimum average AUM IDR 500 mio both customers and staff.
  • This program applies to new customers and existing PermataBank customers.
  • Every transaction will earn reward points that can be redeemed for 20K GarudaMiles or KrisFlyerMiles.
  • Reward points will be credited in the fourth month. For example:
    • Card approved on 1 September 2024.
    • Transaction period until 1 December 2024.
    • Reward points will be credited to the PermataUltimate Card by latest 31 January 2025.
  • Program period: 28 August 2024 - 28 July 2025.
  • Transactions that are not eligible for this program include: installment transactions, bills to pay, cash withdrawals, annual fees, interest, late fees, cash withdrawal fees, stamp duty, and charges billed by the Bank, as well as transactions made through paper.id and online tax transactions.
Transaction IDR 5K = 1 Mile
  • Each transaction at restaurants of IDR 5K earns 1 reward point or 1 mile.
  • All other transactions of IDR 10K earn 1 reward point or 1 mile.
  • Cash advance transactions, installments, cash on call, annual fees, bills to pay, interest and fees do not earn reward points.
  • Program period until 28 August 2024 - 28 July 2025.
Top Spender for the 50 Customers
  • This program is applicable only to PermataUltimate Card holders and Priority Customers with a minimum average AUM of IDR 500 mio during the program period.
  • Customers must make transactions totaling at least IDR 160 mio during the program period (4 months) to be eligible for this program.
  • Total transactions are calculated from both primary and supplementary cards.
  • The top 50 customers with the highest transactions will receive a free Business Class ticket for Jakarta-Tokyo-Jakarta.
  • Excluded transaction types: Installment transactions/transactions converted to installments, Bills to Pay (recurring payments made through PermataBank), Cash withdrawals, Annual Fees/bank charges, Transactions at paper.id merchants, and online taxes.
  • Customers who have received a welcome bonus are eligible for this program.
  • Reward points earned from transactions remain the property of the customer and will not be deducted when redeeming tickets.
  • The name on the ticket must match the name of the credit cardholder.
  • Program period: October 2024 - 31 January 2025.

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