Use Permata Kartu Kredit to get 25% discount at RM Apong, Makassar. Promo is valid until 30 June 2025. Click the button below to get the Permata Black Card if you don't have it.
- Terms and Conditions
- 25% discount with a minimum transaction of IDR 200K and a maximum of IDR 1.5 mio (before tax & service).
- Promo is valid for food purchases only.
- Valid for Permata Kartu Kredit Platinum, Permata Black Card, Permata Ultimate Card, and Permata Infinite Card.
- Not applicable for multiple transactions, separate tables, and split bills.
- Valid for dine-in only.
- This promo cannot be combined with other promotions.
- Valid at RM Apong, Makassar.
- Valid until 30 June 2025.