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Call Spread Option

Option-based hedging instruments with relatively lower prices


Call Spread Option is a Structured Product of 2 (two) plain vanilla derivatives (buy call option and sell call option) combined simultaneously in one transaction contract with different strike prices, same tenor and same nominal. This product is categorized as a Structured Product against Rupiah and must be supported by underlying documents.

What are the benefits

Hedging Instruments

Hedging Instruments

A hedging instrument against currency fluctuations for debt payment and other liabilities in foreign currencies

Without Margin Deposit

Without Margin Deposit

If the required criteria are met, this product does not require a margin deposit



Customers can set the desired strike price level

Lower Cost

Lower Cost

Relatively lower premium costs (if there is an obligation to perform dynamic hedging, there might be additional premium costs that customers need to pay)

What are the Costs?

Premium Cost

Additional Premium Cost

Determined by market prices

When performing Dynamic Hedging

What are the Requirements?

Sign the Risk Disclosure Statement

Sign the Risk Disclosure Statement

Approval from the Board of Commissioners for conducting Derivative transactions (in accordance with the Company's Articles of Association)

Approval from the Board of Commissioners for conducting Derivative transactions (in accordance with the Company's Articles of Association)

For IDR-related transactions, you must provide a foreign exchange statement and/or underlying transaction documents (above USD 25,000 per month or equivalent)

For IDR-related transactions, you must provide a foreign exchange statement and/or underlying transaction documents (above USD 25,000 per month or equivalent)

Untuk transaksi terkait IDR, Anda harus menyediakan surat pernyataan Valas

Untuk transaksi terkait IDR, Anda harus menyediakan surat pernyataan Valas

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Call Spread Option

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