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The saving account for children who learn to save in an exciting way


What are the Benefits?

Free Administration Fees

Free Administration Fees

Free monthly administration fees (if the average balance is at least IDR 50,000)

Nurturing Good Habits from an Early Age

Nurturing Good Habits from an Early Age

Start good habits of saving from an early age with a very low initial deposit and minimum balance

Suit The Children's Need

Suit The Children's Need

Equipped with PermataDebit Plus card with nominal transaction limit at an ATM that suits the children's need

What are the Cost and the Interest Rate?

Online Transfer Fee

Monthly Administration Fee

Monthly Card Charges

Progressive Interest Rates

Initial Deposit

Minimum Balance

Next Deposit

Cash Withdrawal

Transfer to Customer’s Own PermataBank Account (in 1 CIF) with The Same Currency

Online Transfer to Other Bank


Shopping - Over The Counter and Online

Account Closing Fee

Dormant Fee

SMS Navigator Fee

Free at PermataATM and other bank’s ATM in Indonesia (in accordance to the network logo mentioned at the back of the card) with the minimum balance before transaction of IDR 5,000,000

Free, if the monthly average balance minimum of IDR 50,000<br/>IDR 5,000, if the monthly average balance is less than IDR 50,000


Balance 0 -< IDR 100,000: 0% p.a<br/>Balance IDR 100,000 -< IDR 10 milions: 0.50% p.a<br/>Balance IDR 10 milions -< IDR 100 milions: 0.75% p.a<br/>Balance >= IDR 100 milions: 1.00% p.a

IDR 50,000

IDR 50,000

Minimum of IDR 50,000

IDR 3,000,000 and/or maximum of 10 times per day

Following the customer’s balance in PermataBintang

IDR 5,000,000 and/or maximum of 10 times per day

IDR 10,000,000 per day

IDR 2,000,000 per day

IDR 50,000

IDR 10,000 per month, if the account has no transaction activity for 12 consecutive months

IDR 2,500 per month, starting from the third month after registering for PermataSMS Navigator service

What are the Requirements?

Parent’s ID (e-KTP)

Parent’s ID (e-KTP)

Fill out and sign the account opening forms

Fill out and sign the account opening forms

Copy of child’s birth certificate or family identity cards (KK)

Copy of child’s birth certificate or family identity cards (KK)

Report and Other Information

General Terms and Conditions

Specific Terms and Conditions

General Product and Service Information Summary

Latest Update About Our Saving Products

PermataBank Debit Card Information

Transaction Limits and Fees Information

Any Question?

We're ready to assist the complaints or any other question you might have

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