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Tabungan iB KPR Bijak

For Customers Who Have The Financing of Permata KPR iB Bijak.


Tabungan iB KPR Bijak is an individual savings account in IDR currency used as a disbursement account and for debiting installment for the Permata KPR iB Bijak facility.

What are the Benefits?

Free Administration Fee

Free Administration Fee

Free monthly administration fee.

Contract and Nisbah

Contract and Nisbah

Using Wadiah contract. Customers will not receive revenue sharing Nisbah.

What are the Cost?

Initial Deposit

Minimum Balance

Monthly Administration Fee

Cash Withdrawal at Other Bank's ATM

Transfer Fee to Other Bank's through Permata ME

Balance Check Fee

Transfer Fee to Other Banks through Permata Net, Permata ATM, or Other Bank's ATM

Stamp of Duty Fee

Card Replacement Fee

Account Closing Fee

Dorman Fee (account that has no transaction activity for 365 consecutive days)

SMS Notification Fee

Permata Debit Plus Card Administration Fee

IDR 250,000

IDR 100,000


IDR 25,000

BI-FAST: free with no conditions<br/>Online: IDR 7,500<br/>SKN/LLG: IDR 2,900<br/>RTGS: IDR 25,000

Permata ATM: free<br/>Domestic Network (according to the logo on the back of the card): IDR 4,000<br/>Global Network (VISA): IDR 5,000

BI-FAST: IDR 2,500<br/>Online: IDR 7,500<br/>LLG: IDR 2,900<br/>RTGS: IDR 25,000

IDR 10,000 (if any)

IDR 25,000

IDR 100,000

IDR 10,000

IDR 0 for first 2 months. IDR 12,000 for the following months


What are the Requirements?

Must be Customers who already have KPR iB Bijak

Must be Customers who already have KPR iB Bijak

Identification Card (Resident ID Card)

Identification Card (Resident ID Card)

Minimum age is 17 years old

Minimum age is 17 years old

Fill out account opening form and documents

Fill out account opening form and documents

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