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Fun and Worthwhile Monthly Shopping with These 7 Tips

May 29, 2022
4 Minutes

For some people, shopping is the most awaited activity every month. However, some of you may regret exchanging money for less important things. It usually happens due to a lack of preparation for monthly spending.

If you have more budget, maybe it won't be a problem. However, if it's the other way around, it's time for you to do the following tips so that monthly shopping can be more profitable and still fun to do!

Create a Weekly Menu, Then Make a Monthly Shopping List
Before compiling a shopping list that you must buy every month, you should determine the weekly menu first. In the first week, try to enlist the menu of what foods you will cook. Do it also for the second week and so on. You can also know the raw materials needed from the menu you have prepared and must be purchased in specific quantities.

Also, note the expenses for cleaning tools such as bath soap, shampoo, toothpaste, dish soap, floor soap, etc. After that, compile another shopping list you need for the next month. It is helpful to calculate the necessities that you have to buy in one shopping.

Don't Shop on An Empty Stomach!
When the stomach is empty, everything tastes so tempting. As a result, you are tempted to buy products that are not needed. According to the research conducted by Alison Jing Xu from the University of Minnesota, hunger can encourage someone to purchase other items that are not so important. As a result, even groceries can pile up, making your expenses swell.

Buying Certain Items in Large Amounts in One Shopping
When shopping for monthly groceries, try not to buy certain items in large quantities because you won't use them all. It is especially true for meat and vegetables, as these ingredients can rot if stored for too long. That's why compiling a cooking menu and shopping list are very important to prevent this.

Shop Enough Canned Food
Canned food can last longer. However, the prices sold are usually relatively more expensive than other raw foods. That doesn't mean you shouldn't buy it, but it will be nice if you reduce the consumption of canned food to save expenses every month. Just buy enough to suit your family's needs in a month.

Look for Promos, Discounts, and Cashback
Monthly shopping can cost more at one time than daily shopping. However, not all stores provide promos or discounts that apply every day. Waiting for the promo moment in one shopping for one month's needs is a life hack that you must do to save expenses.

In addition to monthly shopping at stores that provide promos, usually, several payment methods have cashback promos. One of them is PermataHeroCard from PermataBank. PermataBank offers various benefits for those who use PermataHeroCard as a means of payment when shopping at Hero or Guardian supermarkets.

Some are 3.5% cashback on Hero and Guardian and 1% anywhere if the accumulated transaction is IDR 2,000,000 per month. There is also a 20% discount on fresh products on Hero and 5% on private label products on Hero and Guardian every day with 0% installments. Who would have thought that monthly shopping could be so profitable!

Storing Grocery Items Properly to Last Long
Before buying a product, you should first find out how to store it properly. You must store fresh items in the refrigerator to make them last longer. Meanwhile, you should keep rice and powdered ingredients in a dry and moisture-proof place.

Use the Leftovers
If the new month is coming, try not to rush straight to monthly shopping. Recheck the refrigerator and storage cabinets; if there are still food ingredients left, you can do creative cooking using different recipes. For example, if you are bored with omelets or sunny sides up, you can make creations with sambal Balado eggs. It can also help you save on expenses because you don't have to buy more groceries.

As long as you do it carefully and calculated, monthly shopping can be exciting and profitable. It will be even more beneficial if you shop at Hero or Guardian using PermataHeroCard from PermataBank. Happy grocery shopping!


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