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Easy Payment with QR Pay PermataMobile X

Oct 05, 2022
4 Minutes

Quick Response Code, also known as a QR Code, is a type of barcode that can be scanned to read and transfer data quickly. Japanese business Denso-Wave invented the QR Code in its original form in 1994.

Generally, QR Codes are used in payment transactions to enhance the process of paying for products and services more conveniently for consumers by enabling them to scan direct purchasing and selling transactions. Additionally, in the age of digital banking, as it is now, this practice has also developed into a new culture.

Cashless Way of Life
The rise of the cashless lifestyle is consistent with the adoption of QR codes as a payment method. You would probably agree that there have been a lot of life changes, including the range of purchases and sales made, along with the advancement of current technologies.
Cashless living is becoming more popular. The cashless lifestyle was initially restricted to non-cash payment methods employing cards, either debit or credit cards. But as more options for digital wallets have become available, the cashless lifestyle has started to rely more and more on QR Payment because it is considered more valuable than before.

You can complete the purchasing and selling transaction process in the palm of your hand by scanning the QR code. Therefore, if you want to conduct a transaction, you don't need to bring cash or any of your cards.

Simple Cashless Payment
Non-cash payments are undeniably quite attractive due to their many valuable advantages. You needn't bother with a large wallet when making cashless payments. You can conduct non-cash payment transactions using only mobile banking.

Additionally, you can use your mobile phone to quickly and accurately scan QR codes to speed up the procedure. Therefore, you are spared the trouble of transferring money from your account to numerous e-wallets.

Increased Payment Speed
You will be more flexible if you conduct digital or mobile banking transactions because the procedure is quick. Keep in mind that the time it takes to wait for changes to the total amount you spend online is not very long.

Two Types of QR Payment
QR Payments come in two varieties. The first type of QR is static, and the second one is dynamic.
The merchant will typically issue a static QR code for all transactions you complete at the business. This kind of QR is generally required when the nominal does not instantly appear after scanning.

Additionally, a dynamic QR exists, which is a QR code produced by the EDC device. As a result, each kind of transaction appears differently. You don't need to enter the payment amount for this kind of QR because, in most cases, the nominal to be paid will appear immediately as you scan.

Smartphone-based Payments
With PermataMobile X, you can now solely use your always-accessible smartphone to make payments. The mobile banking platform PermataMobile X offers access to this QR payment method. Since you can simply scan from PermataMobile X with the QR Pay feature instead of having to top up a digital wallet, it is simpler to conduct non-cash payments.

PermataMobile X is a revolution in the field of digital banking and offers hundreds of cutting-edge features to make your banking activities easier. You can use various services besides QR Pay, including top-up, bill payment, check account changes for up to a year, and transfer features.

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