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Women and the Digital Era

Sep 18, 2024
4 Minutes

The openness of information in the digital era has created many opportunities for gender equality. How do women at PermataBank perceive this? This article explores the personal perspective of Aldila Meitiasari (Head of Digital Marketing, Marketing Communications) on access, control, and women’s self-empowerment. Read on for the full interview!

What does the digital era mean to you personally?
To me, the digital era represents not only opportunities but also great and open challenges. Working with a digital background provides me with feasibility regarding efficiency and effectiveness in filtering and selecting the right digital solutions. This greatly helps me not only to become dependable at work but also as a mother of a toddler. This era also presents new challenges in managing time and attention, especially between work and family.

With your dual role as an employee and a mother with limited time, how do you maximize digital channels to support these roles?
Despite the ease that the digital era offers, I still strive to maintain control over things I consider important. Having self-control is crucial so I can efficiently multitask across various channels. Self-control also helps me manage my time more efficiently with one-stop solutions in the palm of my hand through my smartphone, without overspending or overusing the various digital platforms available.

In your opinion, how can the digital era promote women’s empowerment?
For me, advancements in information technology in the digital era provide women with direct access to seek information, learn new skills, and develop careers without being constrained by geographical barriers. Through online platforms such as e-learning courses, bootcamps, and discussion forums, women can access educational opportunities and hone relevant skills more easily. Anyone, anywhere, can learn anything.

This era also opens doors to various job opportunities that can be accessed from home, allowing women to work with more flexible hours in line with their family responsibilities. By using digital technology wisely, women can seize opportunities, overcome challenges, and achieve their dreams in various fields.

How can women’s empowerment in the digital era support gender equality?
The most significant thing I’ve realized in this digital era is that we are now given almost unlimited choices. These choices encompass everything, from information to media.

Simply put, for women pursuing careers, there is a wealth of social media content that’s easily accessible regarding career paradigms. For men and women alike, the access is the same. If women choose to be empowered at home, there are many references available to learn about ways to self-actualize at home, such as through entrepreneurship, teaching, and other options.

In the digital era, women can access online educational and training resources that were previously difficult to reach due to geographical or time constraints. This undoubtedly opens doors for women to acquire new skills. In my opinion, information technology not only provides access to educational opportunities but also enhances women’s economic independence through job and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Moreover, information technology plays a key role in fostering connectedness. Through social media and online platforms, women can connect with a wide network, share experiences, and receive support from virtual communities. This not only expands women’s reach and influence in various fields but also helps strengthen solidarity and raise awareness of issues relevant to women at a global level.

The openness of access and connections among women are two critical steps in advancing gender equality and empowering women more broadly in this digital era.

Finally, what is your message for women who want to succeed in this digital era?
Stay empowered by optimizing all the good that the digital era has to offer. Compete with the best version of yourself from the past—because on the journey to success, the most important thing is to see your own progress, not to be fixated on others' achievements.

Supporting the perspective shared by Aldila Meitiasari in the interview above, we recognize that the digital era has opened wider doors for women to access information, skills, and new opportunities without being constrained by geographical or social barriers. According to data compiled by UN Women, women now have greater access to economic and educational opportunities through information technology, although the digital divide still exists. For instance, more than 327 million women worldwide benefit from online courses, skills training, and job opportunities that were previously difficult to access.

Additionally, a study by the IMF shows that women’s involvement in the digital finance sector can boost productivity and national economies. The inclusion of women on the executive boards of technology companies increases corporate revenue by up to 13% higher compared to male-dominated companies. This shows that the role of women in the digital era is not only important for them individually but also has a positive impact on the economy as a whole.

Therefore, it is important for women to continue developing digital skills and leveraging technology to empower themselves. With broader access and strong connectivity through digital platforms, women can actively participate in various fields, expand their careers, and advocate for gender equality in this increasingly connected era.

The message for women who want to succeed in this digital era is to stay optimistic, dare to take on challenges, and build strong self-confidence. Don’t be afraid to try and learn from failure. With a relentless spirit, women can achieve success in this digital era. PermataBank, with its Employee Value Proposition (EVP) “Learn, Grow, and Make a Difference,” will continue to support all female employees in innovating and achieving success in this digital era.

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