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Tips for Managing Household Finances

Mar 16, 2020
5 Menit

Newly married couples often face quite a challenge right away. One of the biggest challenges is to manage finances right. Actually this topic has to be discussed between a couple before the marriage. To think managing personal finances is difficult, it is even more complicated once you’re married.

Managing household finances cannot be done by one person only. It needed to be discussed with your partner as well. Even if the amount of your income is arguably high, it is still neet to manage properly to ensure it will not use to waste but savings.  Here are some tips for managing household finances that you should do.

Create a Monthly Budget
The first thing first is to consider creating a monthly budget as a measurement to manage household finances. It is very important because it will keep your discipline, away from the consumptive habits. This budget of expenses included basic needs like food, electricity, water, transportation, and so on.

If you have any installments or debts, then you need to include it as well in the budget. This too shall need attention for you to not overdue the payment. It is better to put installments and debts at the top priority to pay off first. The rest of your income that not make it to the budget then will allocate as emergency funds and savings. This monthly budget you’ve created will help you control the expanses easier.

Don't Forget to Save
Savings habit has already created since we are a kid. It is then getting more important to do especially when you have entered the stage of marriage. By savings every month you can help your future condition and avoid unwanted financial problems. You can also consider allocating savings for your children’s education funds.

If you have never been saved in your life before then it will be difficult to do. However, you take it as a routine to do savings and try to keep consistent until it becoming your habit as well for it certainly useful. Married couples who do not have savings will tend to have financial problems that could endanger your domestic relationship.

Apply a Life-Saving Lifestyle
Sometimes a certain lifestyle can cause a big waste of money. The finances status will always be put into trouble if you are not willing to live an economical lifestyle. Yes, to the fact that not everyone can do savings or live a simple lifestyle. But it is necessary to do especially if you have a lower income. You need to adjust the lifestyle to be more efficient. But, it doesn’t mean that by having a larger income you can live an excessive lifestyle as well, for it’s still can cause financial problems. This is why the life-savings lifestyle is important.

Be Honest Regarding Personal Expenses
There is one main key to have a harmonious household, it is honesty to one another. Especially in communicate the financial issues. You need to be honest with your partner about your personal expenses as well. Try to be more open and honest when you are about to purchase something.

More of it, if you have added income or bonus from the office you also have to tell it your partner. It can be tempting, but being open about these expenses is very much needed. Especially if you want to buy something you craving for so long and it’s quite pricey then you need to talk about it first with your partner. This open attitude will help you have a harmonious household and financial status.

Those are some tips to manage household finances. The financial problems need to be considered thoroughly for it will affect your household.  You can start to plan it from now on by using Permata Bank savings products like Permata Tabung Bintang to start your savings habit or Permata ME Saver that provide cashback when you refill your tank at a gas station. Choose Permata Bank services for more benefits.

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