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What is Permata Poin?
Permata Poin is a reward point given as a loyalty reward every time you successfully make a transaction with Permata ME, or when you meet the requirements to get Permata Poin, according to the terms and conditions of the promotional program applicable at Permata Bank.

What information do I get regarding Permata Poin?
You can access balance information, transaction history, redeemable voucher options, vouchers you have, and Permata Poin FAQ.

What is the Permata Poin Conversion value?
Permata Poin conversion value is 1 point = 1 rupiah.

How many Permata Poin will each customer receive?
The number of Permata Poin that customers can earn varies depending on the type of transaction, transaction amount, and ongoing promotional programs. Each promotional campaign will have different terms and point values.

How do you earn Permata Poin?
Permata Poin is obtained by making transactions, according to the transaction list below via Permata ME:

Top Up:

  • Telkomsel Phone Top Up
  • Indosat Phone Top Up
  • XL Phone Top Up
  • Smartfren Phone Top Up
  • Telkomsel Data Package Top Up
  • Indosat Data Package Top Up
  • XL Data Package Top Up
  • Smartfren Data Package Top Up
  • Google Play Voucher Top Up
  • Mobile Legends Top Up powered by Google Play

Bill Payment:

  • PLN Postpaid Payment
  • PLN Prepaid Payment
  • PAM and PDAM National Payment (Palyja, Aetra)
  • Matrix Payment (Indosat)
  • HALO Payment (Telkomsel)
  • XL Payment
  • Smartfren Payment
  • Firstmedia Payment
  • Biznet Home Payment
  • Biznet Metronet Payment
  • Biznet Postpaid Payment
  • Telkom Payment
  • Indihome Payment

Permata ME Registration for the First Time

Account Opening:

  • Permata ME Saver
  • Permata ME Saver iB
  • Permata Payroll
  • Permata Tabungan Optima
  • Tabungan iB Optima
  • Permata Giro
  • Permata Giro iB
  • Tabungan Haji

Wealth Management Transactions:

  • For secondary Bonds Purchases in IDR currency, the Permata Poin will be received on settlement date.
  • For secondary Bonds Purchases in USD currency, the Permata Poin will be received no later at end of the next month.

The types of transactions above may change from time to time according to the applicable Permata Bank policies.

How do you use or redeem Permata Poin?

  • Through QR transactions by scanning the QRIS code provided by the merchant. There are 2 (two) methods:
    • Full Payment using Permata Poin
    • Combined Payment using the customer's source of fund and Permata Poin, where the amount of Permata Poin to be used can be determined by the customer.
  • Exchanged with a selection of vouchers available on Permata ME, by:
    • Go to Permata Poin menu
    • Tap the "Redeem Voucher" menu
    • Select the desired voucher
    • Confirm your voucher exchange (Make sure your Permata Poin balance is sufficient)
    • Enter Mobile PIN
    • Voucher successfully exchanged, and can be accessed on the "My Vouchers" menu

How to use the voucher that has been redeemed?
You can use the voucher according to the voucher usage information available in the voucher details in the “How to Use” section.

What happens after I click "use voucher"?
After you click "use voucher" on my voucher, then click redeem voucher, QR code / voucher code will appear to be given to the merchant cashier. The QR code can only be used 1 time within 48 hours, After 48 hours, the QR code can no longer be accessed, and will move to the used tab in mya voucher menu.

Where can I read the voucher terms and conditions?
No, vouchers can only be exchanged using Permata Poin.

Where can I read the voucher terms and conditions?
Voucher terms and conditions can be read on the voucher details page in Permata ME.

Do vouchers have an expiration date?
Each voucher has an expiration date listed on the voucher details page in Permata ME.

What happens with my voucher on its expiration date or passes expiration date?
Vouchers that reached or pass their expiration date automatically cannot be used or exchanged back into PermataPoin. Therefore, make sure to use the voucher before it reached its expiration date.

Example: The voucher expiry date stated on the voucher details page is 10 December 2024. So the voucher cannot be used on 10 December 2024 at 00.00.

Will I receive a notification for the Permata Poin exchange transaction to a voucher?
You will receive a notification via Permata ME and email for the redemption voucher.

Is there a limit to the number of vouchers that can be exchanged by customers?
There is no limit to the number of vouchers that can be exchanged, but Permata Bank may at any time limit the number of vouchers that can be exchanged for Permata Poin according to the applicable Permata Bank policy.

What should I do if I cannot exchange Permata Poin for a voucher?

  • Make sure you have enough Permata Poin.
  • If there are any problems, contact Permata Tel or email to care@Permata Bank.co.id.

Can Permata Poin that has been exchanged for a voucher be canceled?
Permata Poin that has been exchanged cannot be canceled.

What should I do if the voucher cannot be used?

  • Make sure the internet connection is stable during the voucher usage process.
  • If there are any problems, contact PermataTel or email to care@Permatabank.co.id

How long is the validity of Permata Poin?
Permata Poin generally remains valid until December 31 of the year following the year of accrual. For example, Permata Poin earned in 2023 will be valid until December 31, 2024. The bank reserves the right to adjust the validity period of Permata Poin.

Can I combine Permata Poin with my account balance for transactions?
Yes, you can combine the use of Permata Poin with your account balance for payments. The redemption mechanism will follow the applicable terms.

Can Permata Poin be exchanged for cash?
Permata Poin cannot be exchanged for cash in any form.

How do I submit questions or complaints related to Permata Poin?
To submit questions or complaints related to Permata Poin, you can contact Permata Tel or send an email to care@permatabank.co.id.

Can the bank retract Permata Poin?
Permata Bank can at any time cancel and/or correct certain or all Permata Poin given to you in the event of:

  • The transaction underlying the awarding of Permata Poin is canceled or there is a refund;
  • Based on reasonable Permata Bank considerations, the transaction underlying the awarding of Permata Poin is indicated to be an act of fraud, an act of violation of the applicable laws and regulations;
  • Based on reasonable Permata Bank considerations, Permata Poin is used by customers for transactions that violate the law or transactions that are indicated as suspicious transactions or fraudulent transactions;
  • There was a system/calculation error from Permata Bank's side which caused the customer to receive Permata Poin that the customer should not have received;
  • Permata Bank is required to withdraw, cut, cancel the distribution and/or limit the use of Permata Poin by the competent authorities or agencies;
  • There are other conditions that cause customers to receive Permata Poin and/or that you should not receive.

Are there any additional terms related to Permata Poin?
Permata Bank reserves the right to change or add terms related to Permata Poin at any time. The latest information will be communicated through various channels, such as Permata ME and Permata Bank’s official website. By using the Permata Poin service, customers are considered to have agreed to all applicable terms.


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